Din Faglige A-kasse

(FAK -Your Unemployment Insurance Fund)

Who can become a member?
Din Faglige A-kasse (FAK) admits salaried as well as self-employed workers in certain occupations. FAK collaborates with several professional associations of electricians (Dansk El-forbund), plumbers and pipe fitters (Blik- and Rørarbejderforbundet), painters and decorators (Malerforbundet), fishermen (Fiskernes Forbund) and artists (Dansk Artist Forbund) and others. Full-time, part-time and student membership are accepted.

Where are their offices?
FAK is headquartered in Copenhagen, with local staff hosted by the collaborating trade unions’ branches and district offices across the country.

Click here for membership fee information

The choice of unemployment fund is restricted. Under Danish law, unemployment insurance funds can opt to be either "occupationally delimited unemployment insurance funds" or "cross-occupational unemployment insurance funds". The former admit only persons with a certain profession or occupation, whereas the latter are open to all. Unemployment funds are free to choose whether to admit self-employed persons.

FAK logo
Adresse (Address)
Nyropsgade 14
København V
+45 33 269 000